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5 Juni 2012 @ Iftakher Uddin

Super solution without problem analysis!

So, we want to have super solution with little analysis… Probably it will be easy to imagine the situation once I tell a real-life story. A friend of mine told me the following (on his own words):

“In my childhood the most disgusting task was to do the toilet (yes, the bigger one)! I thought, if I could stop it, I will save a lot of time. From this philosophical thinking, I found a super solution that if I could just close the “door” permanently then I do not need to visit toilet! I found super glue (liquid form) in our house. I just used the full tube to close my “door” and slept one hour to make that dry. After one hour, only a little problem that I was not able to walk as I do normally. Ok, but that’s not a big issue as I solved a huge problem!! The rest of the day was passing quite well as I already managed my new walking style. In the evening, I was feeling bit uncomfortable as toxic air was looking for a path to go outside (regardless to say, I ate a lot of junk stuffs due to my newly invented super solution)… With time, I was feeling really bad and tumbling like a ball. My mother saw me and asked what happened, I told her everything from the beginning….. and you know at the end, the story ended in the hospital’s emergency.”

So, super solution is not always super without having a proper problem or requirements analysis. The importance of Requirements Analysis was identified from the early days of system and software engineering. A number of methods for eliciting requirements specification have emerged and are successfully applied in industry. Although some tools (e.g. DESIRe) may help to analyse the requirements but I believe the right people are necessary to analyse the requirements and use the appropriate tools.

As establishing new processes is a challenge for organizations, particularly for those who develop complex products or undertake large complicated projects. Right people offer a complete set of services for organizations. They will work with your people in a way that takes your work patterns into account, so that they can achieve the targeted improvements for your organization together with your people.


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Iftakher Uddin

Kontaktieren Sie Iftakher Uddin

Iftakher Uddin is employed as a consultant in the field of Requirement Management & Engineering (RE) as well as Software Development Lifecycle. His activity lies in the support of our customers with the use of requirements management & engineering processes and its associated tools as well as extension of the RE tools. Furthermore, he is experienced in the area of object oriented design & programming (OOD/P), web application, databases and information systems.

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